EWaves Radio Interviews
EWaves Radio Interviews
Global Reporter

Catch the eWaves! Interviews and discussions with experts!
Global Reporter: Pavan Raj Gowda:
Pavan joins Primary Perspectives Radio show created “for kids, by kids” as their first global reporter, which broadcasts live from Melbourne, Australia, and is later available for on-demand listening athttp://www.primaryperspectives.info/
Congratulations to Primary Perspectives Radio Show for winning the Australia’s BEST NEW RADIO TALK SHOW at CBAA Awards 2012!
Broadcast in Melbourne time: Every Tuesday from 4-5pm on 94.1fm in Melbourne or go to www.3wbc.org.au to listen via live streaming.
A week later it would be broadcasted in the same spot via CRN (Community Radio Network), It will also go out towww.earthpreservers.com USA and within a week Pavan’s show will also be made available to 150 stations across Australia, on www.earthpreservers.com and later eventually on WGRNradio USA when they prepare their youth media section.
May-2012: We are very excited to announce that as of May, 2012 Primary Perspectives is also now going out to the world via New York / Earth Preservers (EP) on their new page EPTV

Dec, 5th, 2015: “Bengaluru Voice” radio show on Radio Zindagi – Guest Speaker, Pavan Raj Gowda:
***Click here to listen to the MP3 version of the interview***

April 27, 2013: Pavan interviews Dr. Kerry Kriger, on the 5th annual Save The Frogs day. On May 21st, 2013, this interview was broadcasted through Primary Perspective Radio, Melbourne, Australia.

December 2012: Pavan’s interview with Dr. Suzi Kerr, on the topic, “Economics and Environmental Policies”
***Download and listen to the MP3 Version***
Checkout Pavan’s blog on this topic on Action For Nature’s blog site

July 2012: Pavan’s interview with Mr. Adan Alonzo, Operations Manager at Fremont Recycle and Transfer Station.
*****Download MP3 Version*****
Checkout Pavan’s blog on how we are doing with recycling to learn more about our progress.
April-2012: Pavan’s interview with Mr. Jim Callahan, Founder of ClimateChangeEducation.org

Available on-demand now….live radio interview of Pavan Raj Gowda
aired live in Melbourne, Australia on 94.1 fm on November 14, 2011
Interviewed by kids from radio show ‘Primary Perspectives – radio created for kids by kids’
*** Listen Online Now *** http://www.primaryperspectives.info/pavan-raj-gowda-from-usa-talks-about-green-kids-now/

Good and Green Radio Interview, with Inconvenient Youth, Axel Clavier (14 years old), and Founder of Green Kids Now, Pavan Raj Gowda (11 years old)
Founder of Green Kids Now, Pavan Raj Gowda (11 years old)
Good and Green Radio # 54: Inconvenient Youth – Green Kids Now – On June 17, 2011
In this interview Pavan states, “I truly believe that to achieve a cleaner and healthier planet, it is not enough, if one child, or one group, or one community is taking action. We need kids from all around the world from every community to take on leadership and drive their community to protect our precious planet.
Sharing of information is extremely important because what works well in one community might work well for another, and we need not spend time reinventing the same things, but move forward by either adopting existing ideas or innovate new solutions.”