Food Choices & Healthy Living

Food Choices and Healthy Living
Project Sponsor: Whole Foods Market
Thanks to Whole Foods Market for their $1000 award
for the “Food Choices and Healthy Living” project!

An intriguing blog, by Amita Gowda
Read online:
Information on Herbs & Spices

by, Amita Gowda (5th Grade): This artwork is about chemical pesticides. In this art, farmers are wearing hazmat suits while spraying the pesticides. If the chemicals are that harmful when it comes in contact with humans, how is it safe to eat?

by, Nakshtra Saravanan (2nd Grade): This artwork is about eating unhealthy food How are people affected by unhealthy food? People are getting more diseases and becoming more obese.
Our Food Choices and Environmental Impact

Our Choices from Seeds to Plate

Food Poisoning and Prevention

Vegetables – What’s best raw or cooked?

Presentation at BASIS Independent Fremont Private School
Date: 04/17/17</strong