Striving for Zero Waste Community
Green Kids Now, is raising awareness in our local communities, about our Waste Management, the progress we have made so far with our efforts in 4Rs – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Rot, and shows how we could improve and strive to become a true Zero Waste Community.
Join us and be part of the solution!
Please click on the following web link (or copy it into your web browser if clicking doesn’t work) to go to the volunteer signup sheet:
1. Sign up to volunteer
2. Attend a training session, and complete all the training requirements to obtain the Certificate of Completion
3. Deliver minimum three public presentations within one year and submit photos with short write-up for each session for publishing
***Students can earn community services credits and will receive recognition certificates.***
Outstanding youth contributors who exhibit passion and environmental stewardship will be considered for the Green Champ Award!
Youth Speaker Training Sessions:
Training Session – 1:Sunday, January 5th, 2014 – 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM; Fremont Main Library, Fukaya Conference Room A , 2400 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont – CA 94538
Training Session – 2: Saturday, January 11th, 2014 – 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM; Fremont Main Library, Fukaya Conference Room A , 2400 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont – CA 94538
Training Session – 3: Saturday, February 15th, 2014 – 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM; Fremont Main Library, Fukaya Conference Room B , 2400 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont – CA 94538
Training Session – 4: Sunday, March 02nd, 2014 – 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM; Fremont Main Library, Fukaya Conference Room A , 2400 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont – CA 94538
Training Session – 5: Sunday, March 16th, 2014 – 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM; Fremont Main Library, Fukaya Conference Room A , 2400 Stevenson Blvd, Fremont – CA 94538
More training sessions will be added regularly
Please ensure you will be able to perform the tasks as listed in the Volunteer agreement. Here is the main portion from the volunteer agreement. Please print, sign, and bring the following two documents with you.
3. Volunteer will perform the following duties:
a) Volunteer will perform services under the direction and control of GKN staff/representative.
b) Volunteer will perform minimum three public presentations during the timeframe specified, at any community gatherings, schools, after-school-programs or clubs, and/or conduct train-the-trainer sessions to recruit more volunteer youth speakers and/or adult trainers/supervisors.
c) Volunteer will make his/her appointments and organize the presentations by themselves. If volunteer is a minor, his/her parent or guardian will take responsibility to organize the presentations and transportation.
4. Volunteer agrees to submit photos and/or videos of the presentations, with a short write-up about each event/presentation with details about the number of people reached for publishing purposes.
- In order to accelerate the completions of trainings and start the outreach to the broader community, we will allow the 70/30 method, which is the youth speaker could deliver about 70% of the content and adults could help deliver about 30%.
- Suggestion for community presentation: Schedule get-togethers in your house, work-place, or in any community place, where you could invite people to your house or other locations, and deliver the “Striving for Zero Waste Community – Awareness Campaign”. It could be a neighborhood meeting, family and friends get-togethers, or any type of community gathering, and spend about 30 minutes to raise the awareness in the community.
- This awareness campaign has to reach the adults mainly, as they are not as aware as the kids on how to handle waste. So, for this campaign, the benefit would be more if kids could present it to the adults.
- Request your friends, and the people you know to help organize get-togethers in their homes and invite you to present.
Pictures above taken In the Fremont Main Library – Pavan Gowda delivering the training session
Pictures below taken at Martial Arts America – Pavan Gowda who is also a Black Belt holder is delivering the presentation:
Have Questions? or Comments: Email us – info(at)
More presentations delivered:
Details in the events pages
Earth Week at Microsoft Silicon Valley Campus